Erasmus+ info

Il Conservatorio Luisa D’Annunzio ha ottenuto la carta europea Erasmus Charter for Higher Education - ECHE, ossia il certificato - rilasciato dalla Commissione Europea - recante i principi fondamentali su cui si fondano le attività Erasmus+, principi che devono essere rispettati dalle Istituzioni di Alta Formazione (Università, Accademie, Conservatori di musica).
Essa consentirà al nostro Conservatorio di partecipare a tutte le attività di cooperazione e mobilità europea e internazionale nell'ambito del nuovo Programma Erasmus+ per l'istruzione e la formazione per l'intero periodo 2021/2027 di durata dello stesso (chiusura effettiva delle attività: 31/12/2027).
Il Conservatorio "Luisa D'Annunzio" ha anche sottoscritto la propria Erasmus Policy Charter, la dichiarazione d'intenti con la quale descrive le proprie metodologie per la promozione ed il miglioramento dei partenariati internazionali e la organizzazione della mobilità internazionale.


E.P.S. - Erasmus Policy Statement (Overall Strategy)
Conservatory of Music of Pescara "L. D'Annunzio" considers participation in the Erasmus+ programme to be of fundamental importance as an integral part of its modernization and internationalization strategy. Participation to the Erasmus+ programme promotes a feeling of European citizenship based on understanding and respect for human rights and democracy and in promoting tolerance and respect for other people and cultures. The Institute supports all initiatives that develop openness, understanding and exchange between different cultures.
The main objectives pursued by the Conservatory of Pescara since the beginning have been:
  • Strengthening excellence, contributing to the development of quality learning, promoting high results, through innovation and the achievement of a European dimension.

  • Improving the quality, the attractiveness and accessibility of the learning opportunities availablein our institution, spreading our professionalism and creating mutually beneficial collaborations with a view to openness to comparison and growth.

  • Strengthening employability and improving career outlooks

  • Increasing sense of entrepreneurship and initiative

  • Increasing emancipation and self-esteem

  • Improvement of foreign language skills
  • Enhancement of intercultural awareness
  • More active participation in social life
  • Increasing motivation to take part in future education or training after the period of mobility abroad
The Conservatory of Music in Pescara has been participating in the Erasmus programme since 2003 and the number of mobilisations has increased over the years in quantity and quality.
The increasing expansion of activities, also from a numerical point of view, leads to the acquisition of new partners, whose choice is made on the basis of personal contacts, evaluating the possibility of dialogue and cooperation, taking into account the specific requests of teachers and students, the similarity and complementarity of the learning process or specific projects in progress.
The Conservatory participates in the Erasmus Consortium "Working with Music" which offers our graduates intensive periods of internships abroad extremely useful to relate the training received with the profession for which they aspire and in international cooperation programme Turandot; it has signed agreements for teaching and research collaboration with many European and non-European institutions including Nazareth College in Rochester, Columbia College University in Chicago, Berkley College in Boston and is a member of the AEC (European Conservatories Association), since 2004.
In the next few years the Conservatory intends to gradually expand the types of activities already in place (Learning and Teaching mobility), turning its interest towards European educational, productive and research institutions, with which it has not yet reached agreements, in order to encourage the creation of an European educational area; to interweave new relationships with institutions in non-European countries so as to expand its knowledge of cultural diversity, understood as comparison and exchange. Credit mobility will refer to all forms of learning, from study in higher education institutions to placement in production companies, music organization and music therapy; to implement European and international cooperation projects, so as to increase the quality of education and teaching, stimulating greater synergies between the educational sector and the world of music work. The relationships undertaken so far provide the basis for working in this direction.
Staff mobility for teaching and training promotes the enrichment of the quality of education through the comparison of teaching methods, the exchange and updating of subjects.
Moreover, the inclusion in the curricula of the masterclasses held by incoming teachers enriches the educational offer of the Conservatory. Finally, the mobility of non-academic staff (within higher education institutions and enterprises) facilitates the exchange of good practices, as well as close administrative and management cooperation between partner institutions. The Conservatory also plans internal workshops and festivals on an annual basis, diversified among the educational areas, such as classical music, early music, jazz, pop and contemporary music, with the active participation - through focused calls - of teachers and incoming staff. All the activities carried out are certified through the Diploma Supplement and the ECTS system. Great attention has always been paid to all students with fewer opportunities, guaranteeing equal access and opportunities for current and future participants from all backgrounds. Student selection procedures for scholarships have always followed the criteria promoted by the Erasmus Handbook, giving priority to students offering the highest artistic, motivational and language skills; for teachers or administrative staff the selection criteria are focused on the validity of the proposal, the Curriculum Vitae of the candidate, language skills.
The introduction of the new features proposed by the new Erasmus without Paper programme such as the digitization of administrative procedures, the use of the Erasmus Mobile App by students, and the European Student Card will facilitate the fulfilment of administrative procedures making the Conservatory more modern and innovative, and will also provide students with all the necessary information to achieve a quality, inclusive and accessible mobility.